Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Movie Review 3 "Idiocracy"

Idocracy is an extrememly thought out and artistic interpretation of what the future of society may look like. Similar to scenes from the movie Wall-E. This film shows a totally dramatized view of how people will live. In this film humanity does not have to do anything themselves, even basic thinking. Many people do not know how to do math or even cook without the assistance of technology. I would recommend this to anybody because it confirms the notion that America is the fattest country. Everyone should enjoy this movie simply because it gives you the actual visual to the idea that technology will rule the world and nobody will be able to think for themselves. After taking an IQ test Joe who is from another time period, is named not sure after answering a question "incorrectly". Military experiment gone wrong...definitely should be put on your "to watch list".

Short Review 2 "Identity Thief"

Identity Thief   is a film that I could say that I could have gone without watching. The main male character named Sandy Patterson who lives an incredibly boring life thus making the notion of his identity being stolen not exciting at all, considering there is nothing on the line for him to lose. The character stealing Sandy Patterson's identity named Debbie, is actually very interesting considering she is buying things most people would if they were to win the lottery. Not surprisingly, she also had people on her back for more financial reasons, although the extremes that were taken by the enemy characters was extremely unrealistic and pushed me away from wanting to find out what happens even more...mostly because it is easy to predict the plot. Overall the movie was not very funny and I would not recommend it if you are looking for a quick laugh. I expected better from the movie and it's actors.

Short Film Review 1 "This Is 40"

This Is 40  is a film that caters to the parents of the world, dealing with children, family, your romantic relationship with your spouse, your health, and your finances. This may sound normal, but there is nothing normal about this family who on the outside seems like a normal happy family. Debbie (Leslie Mann) and Pete (Paul Rudd) play a couple who is slightly discombobulated and disconnected from one another. As most married couples know, it is not easy to balance your family and work along with a successful and blossoming marriage.

The married couple has little quirks about themselves. Pete, is addicted to eating cupcakes and it annoys Debbie, wanting her husband to be healthier for their family now that they are 40, needing to make better choices to prolong their life. On the other hand, Debbie secretly smokes cigarettes, which also annoys Pete. This comedy shows how even if there doesn't seem to be a balance in life, you can get through your most stressful times if you open up to your loved ones and work as a team. If there is one thing to take away from this film, don't have kids because they seemingly make life hectic when it doesn't have to be. "Accidents" are almost at a constant throughout this film, providing drama and comedy at its finest.

Movie Review for "Why We Ride" (Critical Review)

I have just recently watched the movie "Why We Ride" as I enjoy riding passenger with my boyfriend on his motorcycles, and I am involved and interested in the culture itself. Little did I know that the people featured in this film are not just riders, but addicted to riding. It is easy for me to understand why. Despite the fact that I ride as passenger, I can easily relate to these people based upon how they describe their riding experience not just physically, but emotionally and psychologically. This film magically reaches out to all people, whether they ride or not, involving an element that is persuasive, making the audience addicted to the thrill and community that riding brings.

Why We Ride is a documentary that brings forward new angles of viewing motorcycles and the people riding them. There are scenes highlighting the rider, passenger, and spectators point of view, with narrations as to how each person is influenced by this culture. The people the choose for particular interviews are of all age ranges and are both men and women. Different from motorcycle riding being just a hobby or a thrill, it was described as something they cannot live without in their life, and more importantly it would not shape them the same way if they weren't riding. Many parents shown in the documentary describe motorcycle riding as a discipline element  for their children whether it be to get them to learn a skill or something to take away as a disciplinary action, not letting them ride.

The sense of community is ever prevalent in the documentary, showing that there is a sense of unity unlike automobile drivers. The friendly wave to the other motorcyclist is a commonality and shows the camaraderie between family, friends, and even people you don't know that pass you on a bike. Riding is more than it seems to the outside community to people who do not ride. For example, riding tends to make people more social. You can start out riding alone, and then notice another biker going the same way as you, and along the way make a life long friend.

Most people forget about the numerous generations of the motorcycle. Therefore, if you are a rider watching this documentary you can learn  about the different types of motorcycles and how they have evolved along with the rider throughout time. The images used in this documentary make the viewer feel as if they are in the action and part of it, and it gives you a sense of accomplishment and importance, provoking you to start riding and enjoy everything motorcycling has to offer such as physical, emotional, and psychological release with the great bonus of becoming part of the biking community.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Why the E Portfolio?

Whats the point?....Professionalism.

The e portfolio sounds like a resource in order to describe ourselves as students in transition into business professionals. It is not easy to say that becoming a businesswoman is an easy task. All of our lives, as students, we put our faith in our professors to help us better our future. Every day I spend at school I'm reminded that I am competing with every other student to be studious like our professors.  I expect that I can figure out how to make my resume unique and interesting while still professional with the correct content that attracts the employer. 

The best part about a resume is that it can keep growing at any time. Essentially it is up to me how I want to be viewed apart from everybody else. Around all of my peers each day, you can easily feel like there isn't anything special about your professional ethos. Education keeps making these cookie cutter students that don't understand that you can specialize in something you like, making your ability to find a job easier.

The e portfolio is convenient because it is organized electronically, giving the viewer power over what they want to read right away. Luckily, after constructive criticism on my e portfolio, I can easily go back and edit it. As an English Major, it should be interesting to see what specifics employers are looking for from me.

To the future....


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Creativity. Hindered.

Some posts are not easy to write, like this one. It is sad for me to not take the full blame for my actions, holding myself accountable. My creativity was first blocked by my high school boyfriend. The phrase opposites attract are true, but who is to say that after that attraction, you start to lose huge parts of yourself along the way. This is surely an indicator that your significant other might not be "the one". I have never been the serious type, and I knew that I was losing the flare about myself that makes me unique, especially to my family. I would catch myself trying to place my words correctly as well as my body language to fit the category of "mature" and "appropriate"; and I wonder why I did this so young at the age of 16-18. Now, there are times that I regret not doing what I wanted. I realize that I do like having control over myself and my actions, and there are in fact thousands if not millions of people who also feel tamed by their significant other. At the end of the day I want to act the way I want according to my mood, and nobody should lose that option in their life. Nowadays, I consider the hindrance of one using their creativity as abuse, because if we are all just "acting" or "playing a part", who are we? What we used to be turns dormant, and later on becomes extinct; so not only do people forget what you stand for, but you don't know how to get that part of you back. If you have at least one person you can be around without trying to pretend you are grown up, or acting professional, that is something you can look forward to and be hopeful for in getting back what makes us unique as humans. The more creative the mind, the better your work turns out in my opinion. I'm happy I am an English major, because I am forced to transcend my thinking and use intellect in a creative way that I hope progresses into a part of my being.

My transformation is mine to decide.




Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What is a Picture Worth?

Ive contemplated what kind of connections we need in life. Even if there is just a small "family" connection, it can play into other aspects of life. The relationships we make growing up are important for our development. Even animals can prepare you for outside relationships I have learned. Interestingly enough, trying to understand what animals want is not an easy task. Reading of body language and non verbal communication is vital. Sure, it may not always apply to people, but what if it can? I have discovered how to become closer to people in my life my just viewing their body language and giving them what they want without having to ask. This helps in means of conflict with others. Not only is this picture of a cat and person, but they are touching. There is an undeniable connection here and there is a reason why. There is a thriving relationship here because they love and understand each other. The physical bond is an example of a relationship that is not being forced. The bonds people make in the home reflect outside communication.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Reflecting on What I Know Now

     I have learned a couple new things when writing letters, e mails, and memos. For example, I learned what Bcc meant, and how to use it effectively. If I were to send an e mail to a boss of mine and want a peer's opinion on how I wrote it, I would attach their e mail in that Bcc spot. Therefore the sender cannot see that person is also receiving the e mail. I also learned with memos that you can send them as either physical documents in person, or through e mail. Sometimes e mail is considered less official, but with the right wording in a professional document, it can be thought of as official and to be used in the workplace.

   Next, I have learned to Cc  professors or my boss in e mails regarding information that they may also mind useful. This can mean class documents, collaborations with another student, and announcements within the workplace of mine. Memos and letters are also used to keep documentation of specific things or events. I find this very useful when writing e mails or memos, simply because in the search bar of my e mail, I can type in a key word and it will pull up my document as long as I am clear with my topic in the Subject Line. Overall, I would like to learn how to write an effective short letter, because I do not want to write too much or too little to my recipient. I am enjoying learning how to create official and less official documents in Writing for the Professions.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

I'm Just Pissed!

I am required to rant! What a relief. As an American, we have many things that bother us. With that being said, I will name one that is most recent for me.

Don't Do Anything Half-Assed
         I never truly realized how anal I was about having a clean house until I moved in with my boyfriend last year. May I add even writing this post makes my blood boil. Sure, we all have our lazy moments and downtime we wish to use for our own happiness. I tend to clean the house before my boyfriend Tim arrives home. Therefore, he doesn't understand how to clean effectively. I've learned to clean thoroughly and fast. If I start something I will finish it. I usually give him the chore of doing the laundry since I take care of the more visually unappealing tasks such as dishes, vacuuming  cleaning the bathrooms, and the tidying up most homes need. 
         Getting to the point now. Laundry. Tim will do several loads of laundry one after the other. All he cares about is having clean clothes, so therefore he NEVER folds clothes or puts them away (messing up the clean bedroom with an explosion of clothes). It takes forever to sort through the mounds upon mounds of clothes until I find the particular item I need. 
          Hey, here's a miraculous piece of advice for Tim. Only pick out the essentials such as jeans, underwear, and some favorite shirts to clean. Therefore there is less mess and less confusion on what's dirty and what's clean. Tim is a busy guy, but I've shown him how to clean speedy and he's seen how fast the task has been completed. Its like getting a kid to do their homework, they just fight it all they can. As of now, there's a mound of clothes like this (below) in our bedroom that I'm waiting to disappear and end up where it belongs. YOU HAVE ONE JOB! 

Friday, August 30, 2013

What does my writing say about me?

     Based upon the article I have read, I would say my handwriting doesn't have a slant to it, which means I am practical and logical. I would agree that this is true. I enjoy when things are in order and when directions are followed. The size of my letters are between average and large, making my personality adaptable. 
     I disagree with this in the sense that I am normally shy and withdrawn. My words are sometimes widely spaced and small spaced depending on what I'm writing. I would say both instances are true where I do not want to be alone but I also enjoy my freedom very much. Interestingly, I do not dot my I's so I'm not sure what that means about my personality. When it comes to writing O's I close them which means I am private. This is entirely true. 
      My S's are high and pointy which means I am ambitious, and this is true since I am in college trying to finish my degree. I do not like time wasters!! This is especially true in my quick handwriting. I want people to be as fast paced and know whats going on just the way I do. Once again with the way I scribble my signature, I am a private person. Lastly, considering my handwriting slant varies, that could be considered Schizophrenia because I am losing contact with reality. EDIT: I am not agreeing that I have Schizophrenia, I did not know I had the option to disprove the credibility of this test. :) Perhaps, reality inst all that great to me. I wouldn't say I'm out of touch with it.
