Monday, November 25, 2013

Why the E Portfolio?

Whats the point?....Professionalism.

The e portfolio sounds like a resource in order to describe ourselves as students in transition into business professionals. It is not easy to say that becoming a businesswoman is an easy task. All of our lives, as students, we put our faith in our professors to help us better our future. Every day I spend at school I'm reminded that I am competing with every other student to be studious like our professors.  I expect that I can figure out how to make my resume unique and interesting while still professional with the correct content that attracts the employer. 

The best part about a resume is that it can keep growing at any time. Essentially it is up to me how I want to be viewed apart from everybody else. Around all of my peers each day, you can easily feel like there isn't anything special about your professional ethos. Education keeps making these cookie cutter students that don't understand that you can specialize in something you like, making your ability to find a job easier.

The e portfolio is convenient because it is organized electronically, giving the viewer power over what they want to read right away. Luckily, after constructive criticism on my e portfolio, I can easily go back and edit it. As an English Major, it should be interesting to see what specifics employers are looking for from me.

To the future....


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