Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Movie Review 3 "Idiocracy"

Idocracy is an extrememly thought out and artistic interpretation of what the future of society may look like. Similar to scenes from the movie Wall-E. This film shows a totally dramatized view of how people will live. In this film humanity does not have to do anything themselves, even basic thinking. Many people do not know how to do math or even cook without the assistance of technology. I would recommend this to anybody because it confirms the notion that America is the fattest country. Everyone should enjoy this movie simply because it gives you the actual visual to the idea that technology will rule the world and nobody will be able to think for themselves. After taking an IQ test Joe who is from another time period, is named not sure after answering a question "incorrectly". Military experiment gone wrong...definitely should be put on your "to watch list".

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