Friday, August 30, 2013

What does my writing say about me?

     Based upon the article I have read, I would say my handwriting doesn't have a slant to it, which means I am practical and logical. I would agree that this is true. I enjoy when things are in order and when directions are followed. The size of my letters are between average and large, making my personality adaptable. 
     I disagree with this in the sense that I am normally shy and withdrawn. My words are sometimes widely spaced and small spaced depending on what I'm writing. I would say both instances are true where I do not want to be alone but I also enjoy my freedom very much. Interestingly, I do not dot my I's so I'm not sure what that means about my personality. When it comes to writing O's I close them which means I am private. This is entirely true. 
      My S's are high and pointy which means I am ambitious, and this is true since I am in college trying to finish my degree. I do not like time wasters!! This is especially true in my quick handwriting. I want people to be as fast paced and know whats going on just the way I do. Once again with the way I scribble my signature, I am a private person. Lastly, considering my handwriting slant varies, that could be considered Schizophrenia because I am losing contact with reality. EDIT: I am not agreeing that I have Schizophrenia, I did not know I had the option to disprove the credibility of this test. :) Perhaps, reality inst all that great to me. I wouldn't say I'm out of touch with it.



  1. I find it intriguing that the article on graphology didn't have an explanation for you not doting your I's. With all the traits and details that this article touched on it feels that a detail such as not doting your I's would be a major thing to notice and would, if handwriting does reveal something about us, have something to say about your personality. I also found it interesting that you are accepting to the fact that this article claims you could have Schizophrenia based on your handwriting's slant.

    1. Definitely not accepting the Schizophrenia aspect to it. I do not believe this test is real, although I decided to take the activity for what it's worth and try to fit the categories in where possible. I was unsure saying the test was indeed bullshit was allowed haha!

  2. I appreciate that you just went with it, considered your own writing as a test for the theories presented (we tend to do this, as humans -- see "usability studies").

    Also, you don't dot your "i's"? I'm sorry. I cannot teach you anything (j/k) :)

  3. When I was first going though the graphology article I also wondered about the people that do different tendencies then what was listed. If you don't dot your "I" then what does that say about you? I think it is interesting that the article does not touch on that issue. It just adds to the skepticism.

  4. I really enjoyed reading your post because it was very truthful and your writing really conveys your voice well. It was also very interesting that you mostly agreed with the information given in the chart, since most individuals (including myself) didn't find much credibility to graphology. Your post was also enhanced by the photo as well, which added a nice touch.

  5. What is so cool about this study is how many times your handwriting demonstrates that you are a private person. I think there must be some truth to this after all. However, by keeping to yourself, your writing should be leaning a little to the left. It would be interesting to look at more of your writing - maybe even from years ago - to see if you do or ever did slant your letters. If you find anything, I would love to see some samples. :)
