Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What is a Picture Worth?

Ive contemplated what kind of connections we need in life. Even if there is just a small "family" connection, it can play into other aspects of life. The relationships we make growing up are important for our development. Even animals can prepare you for outside relationships I have learned. Interestingly enough, trying to understand what animals want is not an easy task. Reading of body language and non verbal communication is vital. Sure, it may not always apply to people, but what if it can? I have discovered how to become closer to people in my life my just viewing their body language and giving them what they want without having to ask. This helps in means of conflict with others. Not only is this picture of a cat and person, but they are touching. There is an undeniable connection here and there is a reason why. There is a thriving relationship here because they love and understand each other. The physical bond is an example of a relationship that is not being forced. The bonds people make in the home reflect outside communication.

1 comment:

  1. i love this ... can see this evolving in your "vision" work for your elevator pitch :)
