Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Creativity. Hindered.

Some posts are not easy to write, like this one. It is sad for me to not take the full blame for my actions, holding myself accountable. My creativity was first blocked by my high school boyfriend. The phrase opposites attract are true, but who is to say that after that attraction, you start to lose huge parts of yourself along the way. This is surely an indicator that your significant other might not be "the one". I have never been the serious type, and I knew that I was losing the flare about myself that makes me unique, especially to my family. I would catch myself trying to place my words correctly as well as my body language to fit the category of "mature" and "appropriate"; and I wonder why I did this so young at the age of 16-18. Now, there are times that I regret not doing what I wanted. I realize that I do like having control over myself and my actions, and there are in fact thousands if not millions of people who also feel tamed by their significant other. At the end of the day I want to act the way I want according to my mood, and nobody should lose that option in their life. Nowadays, I consider the hindrance of one using their creativity as abuse, because if we are all just "acting" or "playing a part", who are we? What we used to be turns dormant, and later on becomes extinct; so not only do people forget what you stand for, but you don't know how to get that part of you back. If you have at least one person you can be around without trying to pretend you are grown up, or acting professional, that is something you can look forward to and be hopeful for in getting back what makes us unique as humans. The more creative the mind, the better your work turns out in my opinion. I'm happy I am an English major, because I am forced to transcend my thinking and use intellect in a creative way that I hope progresses into a part of my being.

My transformation is mine to decide.




Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What is a Picture Worth?

Ive contemplated what kind of connections we need in life. Even if there is just a small "family" connection, it can play into other aspects of life. The relationships we make growing up are important for our development. Even animals can prepare you for outside relationships I have learned. Interestingly enough, trying to understand what animals want is not an easy task. Reading of body language and non verbal communication is vital. Sure, it may not always apply to people, but what if it can? I have discovered how to become closer to people in my life my just viewing their body language and giving them what they want without having to ask. This helps in means of conflict with others. Not only is this picture of a cat and person, but they are touching. There is an undeniable connection here and there is a reason why. There is a thriving relationship here because they love and understand each other. The physical bond is an example of a relationship that is not being forced. The bonds people make in the home reflect outside communication.