Don't Do Anything Half-Assed
I never truly realized how anal I was about having a clean house until I moved in with my boyfriend last year. May I add even writing this post makes my blood boil. Sure, we all have our lazy moments and downtime we wish to use for our own happiness. I tend to clean the house before my boyfriend Tim arrives home. Therefore, he doesn't understand how to clean effectively. I've learned to clean thoroughly and fast. If I start something I will finish it. I usually give him the chore of doing the laundry since I take care of the more visually unappealing tasks such as dishes, vacuuming cleaning the bathrooms, and the tidying up most homes need.
Getting to the point now. Laundry. Tim will do several loads of laundry one after the other. All he cares about is having clean clothes, so therefore he NEVER folds clothes or puts them away (messing up the clean bedroom with an explosion of clothes). It takes forever to sort through the mounds upon mounds of clothes until I find the particular item I need.
Hey, here's a miraculous piece of advice for Tim. Only pick out the essentials such as jeans, underwear, and some favorite shirts to clean. Therefore there is less mess and less confusion on what's dirty and what's clean. Tim is a busy guy, but I've shown him how to clean speedy and he's seen how fast the task has been completed. Its like getting a kid to do their homework, they just fight it all they can. As of now, there's a mound of clothes like this (below) in our bedroom that I'm waiting to disappear and end up where it belongs. YOU HAVE ONE JOB!
i hear ya, sister. work it out, NOW. my hubs is *still* "learning." GRRRR!
ReplyDeleteOh no that sounds like a laundry nightmare and I completely agree with you. Your such a good person for having so much patience with your boyfriend lol.