Friday, August 30, 2013

What does my writing say about me?

     Based upon the article I have read, I would say my handwriting doesn't have a slant to it, which means I am practical and logical. I would agree that this is true. I enjoy when things are in order and when directions are followed. The size of my letters are between average and large, making my personality adaptable. 
     I disagree with this in the sense that I am normally shy and withdrawn. My words are sometimes widely spaced and small spaced depending on what I'm writing. I would say both instances are true where I do not want to be alone but I also enjoy my freedom very much. Interestingly, I do not dot my I's so I'm not sure what that means about my personality. When it comes to writing O's I close them which means I am private. This is entirely true. 
      My S's are high and pointy which means I am ambitious, and this is true since I am in college trying to finish my degree. I do not like time wasters!! This is especially true in my quick handwriting. I want people to be as fast paced and know whats going on just the way I do. Once again with the way I scribble my signature, I am a private person. Lastly, considering my handwriting slant varies, that could be considered Schizophrenia because I am losing contact with reality. EDIT: I am not agreeing that I have Schizophrenia, I did not know I had the option to disprove the credibility of this test. :) Perhaps, reality inst all that great to me. I wouldn't say I'm out of touch with it.
